Welcome to Pest Control of Hyderabad

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  • pestcontrolofhyd@gmail.com

From today, you don't need to be frustrated with wood borer infestations in your home because we brought a permanent solution for it.

Identifying these infestations can be very difficult for first timers . These infestations require extensive inspection and experts who are handy with these and we provide first free inspection to our customers.

Wood borers belong to the family of beetles whose larval or adult forms eat and destroy wood. They can cause severe damage to the furniture at your home.Chances of such wood borer infestation are high in the areas of high humidity .

We use special syringes to inject Wood Preservative chemicals into the holes made by the wood borers to combat the wood borer infestation in your wooden furniture. We also spray effective chemicals that contain a petroleum base to prevent further damage.

Our experts identifie and locate the infestation characterized by distinct yellow powder (frass) which is the debris from the tunnels excavated by the larvae.

We then proceed to treat it with appropriate means.

We provides an annual management service which includes 5 services in a year with periodical checkups.

So, don't let beauty of your home spoil anymore due to these wood bores. We are here to prevent you and your home from such things.